Friday, December 08, 2006

After viewing the three Miyazaki movies, Spirited Away, My Neighbor, Princess Mononoke, I noticed that all of the movies contain the issue of human and spirits living together. These movies contained spirits from the forest spirit to the war spirit. In each of these movies the gods and spirits were appreciated by many people but in each of the movies there were humans who did not appreciate the god and spirits. Also all of the movies end by humans depending on the spirits to help them. This shows the important lesson that it does not matter whomever tries to help, it should always be appreciated and taken.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Waking Life
After viewing Waking Life I am interested in seeing more of that kind of animated work. It was really good and it was the kind of thing that only a skilled person could do. I have never been artistic and for that reason I think that I am drawn to good art. The movie also contained a lot off life lessons. The movie was really constructed of small conversations. If a person would listen to the conversations they would really learn o lot. This movie also was talking about how a person has seven minutes of brain activity after they die. This is also a really cool topic. In all this movie was about the basis of philosophy.

Etarnal Sunshine of The spotless Mind

After watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind I am very confused. This movie made absolutely no sense to me. The movie was about a guy who had his brain memories removed. I think that it would take a very smart person several times to understand this kind of thing simply because it is not a real . While viewing this movie I had to change my point of view. It went from wondering if I was going to see something real scary or something that would never happen. The director of this movie must have been very smart because it would take a lot of thought to find an idea of this sort. The plot of the movie is very plot out and must have been thought about for a very long time. In this movie there are many different things going on. It was like a movie about brainwashing and a love story in the same movie. Before watching this movie I was told to watch the lighting. I also noticed that much of the small details like the lighting were very good. This movie had a good plot and fine details.